I’m Karan Taneja, a second-year Computer Science Ph.D. student at Georgia Institute of Technology. My advisor is Prof. Ashok Goel, director of Design & Intelligence Lab and AI-ALOE Institute. I’m interested in creating AI tools for education using Natural Language Processing and Knowledge-based Intelligent systems.
I graduated from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in July 2020 with Bachelor and Master in Electrical Engineering. My specialization was Signal Processing and Communication and I also did a minor in Computer Science and Engineering.
- June 2022: We will be presenting our work on Human-AI Interaction Design in Machine Teaching (arXiv:2206.05182) at the Communication in Human-AI Interaction Workshop, IJCAI 2022 in Vienna.
- May 2022: Started summer internship at IBM in New York, US. Excited to be working with the computational creativity group on food recipe generation.
- April 2022:
- Passed my PhD qualifying exam. Big thanks to my advisor Prof. Ashok Goel, and committee members Prof. Spencer Rugaber, Prof. Alan Ritter and Prof. Diyi Yang.
- Released our recent work as a pre-print on arXiv: A Framework for Interactive Knowledge-Aided Machine Teaching.
- January 2021: Joined Georgia Tech for PhD in Computer Science.
- October 2020: Paper titled A Bayesian Deep CNN Framework for Reconstructing k-t-Undersampled Resting-fMRI accepted at International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2020 [Preprint].
- August 2020:
- Graduated from IIT Bombay with B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering and minor in Computer Science and Engineering.
- Awarded with Undergraduate Research Award (URA03) for research work in dual degree (masters) project.
- Deferred Georgia Tech (Computer Science Ph.D.) offer to Spring’21 because of COVID-19 pandemic.
- July 2020: Paper titled Improving Low Resource Code-switched ASR using Augmented Code-switched TTS accepted at Interspeech’20. [Preprint]
- June 2020: Master’s final presentation on ‘A Bayesian CNN Framework for Reconstruction of k-t Undersampled Resting-fMRI’.